Photosynthesis (in detail)

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • This is an updated version of my class notes on the topic of photosynthesis. I use this presentation during my honors biology class at Beverly Hills High School. This is taught at the 9th grade level.
    This PowerPoint can be purchase from my online store. The link below will take you to my store.
    Electromagnetic spectrum
    White light
    Visible light
    Light dependent
    Light independent
    Calvin cycle
    Cellular respiration

Комментарии • 424

  • @NagarajaChitradurga1938
    @NagarajaChitradurga1938 4 года назад +452

    Being a teacher in biology and now retired . Now I am 82 years old what an excellent experience with this video on photosynthesis.

  • @louiselowitt2228
    @louiselowitt2228 4 года назад +127

    I hope you know how many students' lives you've saved with this simple video. I have a bad bio teacher I am dealing with right now and this video gives me hope that I am gonna make it through the rest of the year. Thank you!

    • @davedsilva
      @davedsilva Год назад +6

      Keep in mind that most teachers are too dumb to work in the real world so they teach to avoid thinking and accountability. Never let a bad teacher stop you!
      P.S. I love teaching!

  • @Science_Labs
    @Science_Labs Год назад +23

    You laterally saved me! I was about to give up and just get a bad grade on the Bio test I have tomorrow. I searched trough sooooo many BS videos made for kids, and was about to just close my computer, but then I clicked on this. I now completly understand how this all works. Thankyou for making an ACTUALLY GOOD VIDEO. I can not even express how happy I am to have found this video. I am completly confident in the test, and EXTREMELEY grateful for this video's existence. Thank you Beverly Biology, your a lifesaver.

  • @marykatewilloughby4930
    @marykatewilloughby4930 5 лет назад +14

    College senior here struggling hard to pass and you made it so incredibly clear. THANK YOU!!!! Please never stop teaching!

  • @easthooligunz
    @easthooligunz 2 года назад +13

    I just want to say your videos are the only ones on the internet that have really helped me in my BIO classes.
    The way you go into detail about every step by step process without assuming we already know certain things is super helpful.
    The pace is perfect. The visuals are perfect.
    I will be using this channel to help me get through my college. Thank you so much.

  • @veronikapankiv8027
    @veronikapankiv8027 2 года назад +16

    oh my goodness, i cannot thank you enough! this topic is stressing me out so much and i have a test on this tomorrow with me having little to no understanding. listening to this while studying and reviewing is so so SO helpful!! i cannot thank you enough for this astonishing and most importantly, simply, explained topic:)

  • @Kleinsakkie
    @Kleinsakkie Месяц назад +1

    I could not wait to drop Biology in 9th grade. Went on to study Engineering. However, now in my mid-fifties I at last appreciate the INCREDIBLE brilliance of the design of photosynthesis. What a Wonderful Creator we have. No way all this intelligent complexity comes from nothing. No way! (Sorry atheism). Thanks for getting me hooked onto Biology at last! You’re a great teacher.🙏🙏

  • @ZakiBaki
    @ZakiBaki 5 лет назад +8

    Please never stop making videos, I truly understood photosynthesis!!!!! I went through a 100 powerpoint presentation just for you to explain this in 18 minutes

  • @SwissCheese112
    @SwissCheese112 5 лет назад +178

    this was much easier to follow than my biology professors class in which 40 percent of the 416 students are failing..

  • @SumitYadav-xm5dy
    @SumitYadav-xm5dy 16 дней назад

    i am a bachelor's graduate. But this is the first time i actually understood Photosynthesis with ease. Thank you so much, you are magic, prof.

    @SARACHALLAN 3 месяца назад +3

    The BEST Photosynthesis video. Thank you!

  • @jshmigell
    @jshmigell 4 года назад +32

    After all these years, this video discussion made me understand how photosynthesis occur deeply..oh by the way sir, your animation does a great help in making the discussion more understandable..

  • @triptichaudhari4430
    @triptichaudhari4430 Год назад +2

    I am a Class 7 student and understanding it sir easily.
    Great work
    Great teacher
    And great explanation

  • @crispinkawana6382
    @crispinkawana6382 Год назад

    Retired men have experience.the way this video is presented takes on board slow learners like me. Thanks sir

  • @kalyanisrivastva3974
    @kalyanisrivastva3974 2 года назад +2

    I have never subscribed to a channel this quickly! What an amazing explanation.

  • @jocelyncamacho2207
    @jocelyncamacho2207 5 лет назад +18

    You are amazing at what you I have a very hard time understanding these things I’m taking biology for college and I graduated from a charter high school and we didn’t go over some of this in detail I’ll watch the video 3 times but I’ll understand it better each time since my first time going over some of this stuff. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us 👍🏼

  • @steamteen123
    @steamteen123 2 года назад +6

    Thank you for this! I am taking AP biology in 9th grade, so I have to learn Bio honors right now. I was having trouble with photosynthesis, but this video helped me a lot. It was very concise and easy-going. Once again, thank you!

    • @anji962
      @anji962 2 года назад

      how's ap bio going

  • @ivelisseperez1921
    @ivelisseperez1921 4 года назад +3

    I am glad I found this video. I was looking for a visual for my ESE and ESOL students in my BIo classes. I teach all ESE and ESOL With this video I can differentiate so much . and it will also help me cut corners in my planning because I teach 6,7,8 and high school

  • @dm55
    @dm55 4 года назад +10

    Beautiful. I have a rookie bio teacher whose kids don't know what he's talking about. I'm sending him this video. Thanx

  • @ritaenting1086
    @ritaenting1086 3 года назад +2

    Bro I literally love you, my bio teacher sucks and this saved me the day before my test LOL

  • @Rune-o6b
    @Rune-o6b 2 месяца назад +1

    This video SAVED me! I had barely two points in my notes before this (as my teacher didnt really teach us about it he just showed diagrams) and now i have 3 pages! This helped me so much and i fully understand this now ❤

  • @elisangelalofrano7170
    @elisangelalofrano7170 Год назад +1

    This video was so much easier than many I’ve watched. Thank you very much

  • @kyledukes49
    @kyledukes49 5 лет назад +47

    Thank you this actually made sense. Just going off pictures was nightmare.

  • @muffinbutton1484
    @muffinbutton1484 6 лет назад +44

    Don’t stop what you are doing. Amazing work!

  • @Love_Always_Nini
    @Love_Always_Nini 4 года назад +6

    Thank you! You explain things very well. Very understandable. Your voice is soothing.

  • @michellelondon8317
    @michellelondon8317 4 года назад +3

    I'm taking a college course on gen bio 1 and this made so much more sense than what my textbook is trying to explain and the powerpoints that my professor made. You're only teaching ninth grade level biology?? You would make a brilliant professor!

  • @RhodArevalo
    @RhodArevalo 6 месяцев назад

    I am a High school student(3rd year) and this is our topic. Our teacher only explained it once so much of us did not rly get it. I will be having a test. This makes it easier for me to understand. Thank u so much!!

  • @harshamalabandara4850
    @harshamalabandara4850 3 года назад +3

    I could solve my doubts about the photosynthesis lesson by watching this video. Well explained. Thank you!

  • @ifesbobthekillerpolarbear2013
    @ifesbobthekillerpolarbear2013 3 года назад

    I'm watching this for second-year college biology and I can tell that it's for the high schol level even before reading the descriptions and I have to say you are really making it easier for me to understand the more in depth parts inherent in college biology by making sure my foundational knwledge is god. Thank you.

  • @USAccent
    @USAccent Месяц назад

    Somehow you have made a very detailed explanation very clear and easy to understand. Thank you so much.

  • @sharonyoung5470
    @sharonyoung5470 8 месяцев назад

    Thank you for taking time to make this video! You are an excellent and gifted teacher!

  • @zhaotinghu8951
    @zhaotinghu8951 3 года назад +1

    Im in 9th grade and I can understand this perfectly. This is the perfect video on one of the topics that makes my head hurt.

  • @asdzxc1471
    @asdzxc1471 Год назад

    Great explanation! The best i could find on RUclips. Great work, keep it going!

  • @mugdhashetge-gallagher5797
    @mugdhashetge-gallagher5797 2 года назад

    Love Love Love this video. Simplifies the light dep / indep reactions.. and gives a complete view of photosynthesis beautifully ! This is probably the best artifact available for this topic ! Thank you for making this video !

  • @catlover-hh3tf
    @catlover-hh3tf 2 месяца назад

    This video makes it so simple without missing any important details. Thank you so much

  • @emma_chatwalk
    @emma_chatwalk 3 года назад +2

    This is it, i found it finally that showed me all the illusions into my brain, and when i watched for the second time it comes even more clearer, wow i love Your Videos😍😍😍so calming to hear, pulling my mind towards Photosynthesis😍

  • @romangalperin5725
    @romangalperin5725 2 года назад

    Best explanation on RUclips! Thanks and keep em coming

  • @toriwaverly9312
    @toriwaverly9312 Год назад

    thank you so much sir like you really just saved me from failing!!!!!!!! i hope you are living your best life fr

  • @TheodoreV
    @TheodoreV 11 месяцев назад

    I don't usually comment on these videos but somehow I've understood this topic thoroughly through your video only, I get confused with others, I can't thank you enough

  • @dawnhirsh6263
    @dawnhirsh6263 4 года назад +4

    Wow. You did an amazing job making a complicated process more understandable. Thanks!

  • @hibak_
    @hibak_ 5 лет назад +26

    this is so helpful, I reread my biology text book so many times yet still didn't get it, you really help me understand this process

  • @m.m.3552
    @m.m.3552 Год назад +1

    Just a small correction: the H+ ion is not used up when it diffuses through ATP synthase. The enzyme is constituted in such way to harvest the kinetic energy of the passing proton to faciliate the synthesis of ATP from ADP and Pi.

  • @laurenwilson2145
    @laurenwilson2145 16 дней назад

    Thank you for helping me pass biology. You sir, are an amazing teacher.

  • @kermkerm
    @kermkerm 5 месяцев назад

    You sir just saved my biology exam. Thank you kindly!

  • @Jack00777
    @Jack00777 3 месяца назад

    You are amazing for this video. Genuinely, thank you! You've helped a lot of people. Keep doing the lords work 🙏

  • @rdx4g851
    @rdx4g851 5 лет назад +8

    Best video of photosynthesis I’ve ever seen :)

  • @flying911
    @flying911 6 лет назад +6

    Very helpful! My son now wants you as his HS Biology teacher.

    • @BeverlyBiology
      @BeverlyBiology  6 лет назад +4

      Ha Ha... I wonder if he would feel that way if he were actually in my class. Best wishes.

    • @DJwldnn
      @DJwldnn 4 года назад

      @@BeverlyBiology your the reason why I pass tests

  • @killikkieiyambo9053
    @killikkieiyambo9053 4 года назад +2

    WoooW... Just when I thought I will never understand photosynthesis in details but that had really helped me... Am very grateful

  • @many_sided9511
    @many_sided9511 6 лет назад +8

    The best explanation for photosynthesis! Thanks a lot

  • @hollytoller
    @hollytoller 5 лет назад +7

    Thank you for making this video :) You are giving me hope for my final exam.

  • @rithwikaveeturi4539
    @rithwikaveeturi4539 4 года назад +8

    i dont usually comment on videos but thank you so much for this

  • @liridonadonna3189
    @liridonadonna3189 4 года назад +9

    Thank you for this amazing video, you made everything look easy and so clear
    I really appreciate it

  • @cynthiaramirez558
    @cynthiaramirez558 3 года назад

    Great explanation with great visuals, I am new to biology, and it feels like I am learning a new language. I look forward to watching other videos
    Thank you, please continue to share!

  • @sajaniyashodha6918
    @sajaniyashodha6918 6 лет назад +9

    the best biology tutorials!!!

  • @Dorkster81
    @Dorkster81 5 лет назад +5

    I love ur vids, i watched your metabolism vid and everyone in class was stuck, but i actualky just explained everything the way u did. It was so cool to actually know wth is going on lol

  • @manojmanu3494
    @manojmanu3494 9 месяцев назад

    Awesome explanation... I just loved it. Great work sir 👏

  • @javzpadgaming3062
    @javzpadgaming3062 3 года назад +1

    Incredible. This was wayyy more helpful than the video on crash course! But actually…. The crash course video might make sense now! Either way, thank you sir!

  • @lucianafortes1
    @lucianafortes1 3 года назад +2

    Amazing explanation! You made this topic seem so easy! Thank you so much!

  • @rachelmanavi4819
    @rachelmanavi4819 4 года назад +3

    "red and blue light stimulate the most photosynthesis making plants grow quicker so if youre growing something indoors that you dont want others to see, always use red and blue light" hahaha I hope youre well Mr. Kobe! I still love these videos

  • @nerchy8864
    @nerchy8864 2 года назад +2

    such a great video! you've made learning a difficult lesson seem like a piece of cake! keep up the great work :)

  • @michealadebunmi8141
    @michealadebunmi8141 5 лет назад +1

    You are the best, wish you could be my bio professor forever

  • @kristinasteves1761
    @kristinasteves1761 4 месяца назад

    Wow!!! What an amazing resource! Thank you!

  • @dvirruimy735
    @dvirruimy735 4 года назад +2

    you saved my biology assignment

  • @jeaoel4692
    @jeaoel4692 4 года назад +8

    1. A. Red B. Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet
    2. 6H2O+6CO2➡C6H1206+6O2
    5. STROMA
    6. A. B. C. D. E. F. G.

    • @rwen8092
      @rwen8092 2 года назад

      i love u bro

  • @akirayuripadilla451
    @akirayuripadilla451 5 лет назад +2

    Great video u help people who are going up to high school 🏫

  • @Vegapunk108
    @Vegapunk108 5 лет назад +2

    Very good chanel, I wish I discover your work sooner. But better late than never.

  • @mlgdab7329
    @mlgdab7329 2 года назад

    Great video bro, better then my teacher for sure

  • @Hannahalexandralance
    @Hannahalexandralance Год назад

    I have a semester test next week and this helped me so much, thank you💓

  • @srijanabasnett489
    @srijanabasnett489 4 года назад +3

    Ur underrated for this amazing content.

  • @ericcartman1660
    @ericcartman1660 Год назад +3

    1:20 pink floyd reference?

  • @toothboy6866
    @toothboy6866 3 года назад


  • @thatomkhasibe8197
    @thatomkhasibe8197 2 года назад

    You summarize your lesson very well, wish you were my teacher

  • @pathagan
    @pathagan Год назад

    Thank you so much to the team for such a detailed explanation. Loved it. Learned it and subscribed to the channel

  • @lillianantar25
    @lillianantar25 4 года назад +1

    this is a great video, never understood photosynthesis this well

  • @NagarajaChitradurga1938
    @NagarajaChitradurga1938 4 года назад +1

    I learnt today and feel sorry that I didnot get such a teacher during my master’s program. Thank you Sir learnt photosynthesis,

  • @thato4639
    @thato4639 8 месяцев назад +1

    How do people capture the 'blue' wave and make blue paint? Okay, maybe from blue plants(flowers). What about the brown colour? How does brown come about? Is brown also a light wave? Or is brown a combination of of two or more colours

  • @degenereto1303
    @degenereto1303 3 года назад

    I wish I knew this video 3 years ago. This could have saved me back then.

  • @glasslady2000md
    @glasslady2000md 5 лет назад +7

    This was extremely helpful. Thank you for doing this!!

  • @infinite2382
    @infinite2382 5 лет назад +14

    Thank you so much! I’m so passing my exam today :D

  • @misaelsoria3965
    @misaelsoria3965 4 года назад +2

    Wooow !that is what I needed !!!!!!!!!!!
    Thank you so much!

  • @theamazincritic7447
    @theamazincritic7447 6 месяцев назад

    you are the best sir! i admire you ❤

  • @davedsilva
    @davedsilva Год назад

    So nicely done! I hope you do another that covers quantum effects (quantum computing) component of photosynthesis.

  • @jenniferg3251
    @jenniferg3251 5 лет назад +1

    This is excellent! Thank you. Very helpful in my transitioning my class to online learning this semester.

  • @keralagebre
    @keralagebre 2 года назад

    really it is interesting. I am highly eager to know the details of photosynthetic process of plants since i am studying on microalgae for bioenergy generation. Thankyou for your video.

  • @brandojhobannylopezmontejo8930
    @brandojhobannylopezmontejo8930 2 года назад

    Wow, I'm learning English and I hope that I can speak English like you in a near future. Well, I'm studying Biology in Chiapas, Mexico:))

  • @obanlaoluwayemisi9667
    @obanlaoluwayemisi9667 5 лет назад +24

    I understood what u taught perfectly.... Keep it up

  • @brittanielsen4905
    @brittanielsen4905 3 года назад +1

    Great video! and very well illustrated.

  • @sannioyindamola8507
    @sannioyindamola8507 Год назад +1

    Such a incredible video. I love it

  • @angelinamaroo3293
    @angelinamaroo3293 3 года назад

    Without the effect of photosynthesis, our earth would not exist

  • @rafaelarebancos
    @rafaelarebancos 4 года назад +7

    thank you for this wonderful presentation,. I use this video as a reference in may report., again thank and more power.

  • @marianaboni_
    @marianaboni_ 3 года назад

    I'm shocked that I never understood this topic in my NATIVE LANGUAGE but I did in ENGLISH??? Like HOW, awesome explanation btw

  • @kyledukes49
    @kyledukes49 5 лет назад +1

    Best video on this that I found.

  • @royalhouse7578
    @royalhouse7578 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you for these videos! You make it very easy to understand!...

  • @letlhogonolosbusiso741
    @letlhogonolosbusiso741 2 года назад

    It's very useful video for us Student teachers 👍👍

  • @tomriddle8780
    @tomriddle8780 2 года назад

    I love the way you explained it! Thank you so much!!!!❤

  • @samanthae4490
    @samanthae4490 Год назад

    Thank you so so much for this wonderfully explained video (finally this topic is understandable) ❤

  • @rafinxxx270
    @rafinxxx270 2 года назад

    u really helped me understand this diffcult process very easily which my teachers have failed to do so.

  • @iramshaikh5062
    @iramshaikh5062 4 года назад +1

    Very well explained. For Me, it was a lifesaver!

  • @chandrab9824
    @chandrab9824 2 года назад

    Lovely vdo. Simplified and so well explained. Thanks

  • @Dan-ol9dj
    @Dan-ol9dj 3 года назад