Taylor Barnes / Taylor Patrick

Re: Taylor Barnes

Man I've honestly been checking nonstop for new material from this girl since her first scene came out a little over a month ago! She has such a fresh and pretty face with perfect tits and the most amazing ass I've seen in a while. Plus she sounds so enthusiastic in bed-- she's like a pro already.

Does anyone have any info on her at all? If we haven't heard from her so far, is it pretty much sure that she's a one-and-done or is there still hope? I just think she has all the makings of a great star (including those hot tattoos) that it would be such a shame and mistake to let her be a one-hit wonder. I need to see more of her and don't want to settle with one scene!
Re: Taylor Barnes

oh my lord, this girl's ass is amazing...def waiting on more from her :D

also, I hope her sister is also in porn since Mike mentioned it

from certain pov's she kinda reminded me of Maryjane Johnson