Building a mini trailer park in Oasis Springs for the Broke family!
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
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gemsverse (make sure to check include custom content!)
tumblr - ( / the-scrapyard )
cc finds tumblr - ( / gemmversefinds )
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music written by jerry martin and marc russo - "buy mode 3"
track does not belong to me!
xo Игры
Just got out of work, bought myself ice cream, and I see this… life is good 🙂↕️
omg i did the same thing today lol its been a long day 😅
Something about this build is so satisfying...
Such a perfect timingggg! I just finished making them in-game 😍& Your build is good!
Never been this early lmao I’m so excited for a new video
I'd imagine Johnny Zest can be their neighbors.. it's a totally messed up the supposed timeline but hey, its the Sims 4.
I’m glad this video was recommended. I loved the build! Gonna check out your channel 💚
This build is so awesome, I love your creative expression!
I am obsessed with this build🤌🏻😍😍
I’m in the process of basically making my save the sims 2 with all of the classic families so this was perfectttt. I just need my damn game to stop corrupting EA cmon
Manifesting a fix for that corruption bug SOON
Oh wow I absolutely love this build!! ❤
Thank you! ❤️
oh this looks so good
i love this so much! youre such a talent
this means a lot! thank you! ❤️
Adding the tire tracks was genius
I love this build, and this video!!! You did great…it’s honestly convincing me to start a new save file lol
Do it!!! New saves are so refreshing ❤️
it looks like somebodies childhood home I LOVE it! and i love that you put a washer outside as i also have a washer outside^^
so so cute!
just got out of treatment and i see this.. yes gawd..
i hope treatment went well!!!
@ it was great thanks queenie
I built their home in oasis spring too since in the sims 4 dustin comes with the world del sol valley, I like to imagine he moves there when hes older.
This is so smart!
Is this going to be in the gallery? Its amazing!
i’m in the process of uploading it! but since i did use custom content, i might have to also upload it patreon so i can include everything :)
Do you have a modlist at all??😭🙏🏻 I love the sims 2 overlay so much I neeedd it
And your reshade is beautiful!!!!
i don’t, but I’m working on a resources page :) the ui is the sims 2 ui by vyxated!
@@gemmverse cant wait to see it!!
do you use any lighting mods ? do you tweak your shader bc my game didn’t look like yours 💔
i did tweak sumahama a little bit! i have the settings up on my tumblr. i also use into the light, sunblind, noglo, and noblu :)
Do you have all the packs ?
just about! i’m missing a few kits :)
do you use an override for the grass? its stunningg
yes! it’s the k-hippie terrain mod :)
I live in a mobil home trailer and we dont have sand with a small grass patch we have an entire yard of Grass with a driveway
That’s so interesting! I’ve seen so many different styles of homes like this but I was very inspired by 1960s mobile homes + old sims builds :)