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Aug 4, 2015 7:04 PM
Oct 2014
I prefer fsn as a whole but i'd say the zero anime was the best anime and 2006 the worst.
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Aug 4, 2015 7:10 PM

Oct 2014
F/Z all the servants are better/stronger and all the characters are more mature. FSN just has better waifus.

Real answer is Prillya if it's adapted as good as it has been.
nocorrasAug 4, 2015 7:36 PM
Aug 4, 2015 7:42 PM

Feb 2015
nocorras said:
F/Z all the servants are better/stronger and all the characters are more mature. FSN just has better waifus and a dumb shounen protagonist

Real answer is Prillya if it's adapted as good as it has been.

Aug 4, 2015 7:44 PM

Oct 2012
None of them, they are all equally shit.
Aug 4, 2015 7:54 PM

Aug 2014
Fate/Zero easily.
I'm being unironic when I say the anime is the most mature in it's delivery of the fate/ anime that've been made thus far and of consistently good quality throughout. Not to say it has no problems, Kayneth and Tokiomi getting shafted even more for starters, missing out Enkidu, Gil and the Grail and some other scenes and moments did it not favours. Though granted some cut content like the human organ nonsense kept it from being juvenile tryhard edgyness instead of actually mature.
UfoUBW was disappointing in some places as a VN reader but still at least a passably decent show.
Kaleid is decent, but just that. If 3rei was adapted I'd say above UBW for certain but it isn't so not sure right now. Probably still above on account of the fact it at least doesn't drop the ball when it matters so much.
Prototype is uh like a trailer.
what is even DEEN doing here, lol
Forgetfulness said:
Fate/kaleid liner is kinda cool but from what I've seen it's not as great as a part of the original timeline and I kinda just like it as fanservice.

That's kind of what it is.
InsertanamehereAug 5, 2015 2:45 AM
Aug 4, 2015 8:02 PM

Jun 2015
Carnival Phantasm. That is all.

Aug 4, 2015 8:02 PM

Oct 2014
FZ but UBW has good animation.
Aug 4, 2015 8:35 PM

Nov 2012
FSN 2006 was an OK first attempt but really suffered from lackluster animation and some weak attempts to combine routes.

UBW 2010 actually hits a lot of high points, but is held back by needing to blaze through the plot at an absurdly fast pace.

Fate/Zero is overrated pretentious drivel.

Illya is nice fanservice but not really a serious contender.

Prototype is whatever.

I guess I still gotta go with UBW 2014 in the end. Ignoring the mediocre second season, the first season was at least mostly spot-on with what I wanted to see out of it.
kingcity20 said:
Oh for the love of
-_- nvm gotta love MAL
Aug 4, 2015 8:51 PM

Aug 2010
Insertanamehere said:
Fate/Zero easily.
I'm being unironic when I say it is the anime is the most mature in it's delivery and of consistently good quality throughout. Not to say it has no problems, Kayneth and Tokiomi getting shafted even more for starters, missing out Enkidu, Gil and the Grail and some other scenes and moments did it not favours. Though granted some cut content like the human organ nonsense kept it from being juvenile tryhard edgyness instead of actually mature.
UfoUBW was disappointing in some places but still at least a passably decent show.
Kaleid is decent, but just that. If 3rei was adapted I'd say above UBW for certain but it isn't so not sure right now. Probably still above on account of the fact it at least doesn't drop the ball when it matters so much.
Prototype is uh like a trailer.
what is even DEEN doing here, lol

Aug 4, 2015 9:05 PM

May 2012
I honestly don't know, I recently re watched all the series and problems came up in all of them. While UBW can be said to be unevenly paced in the second half, F/Z's first half is dragged out up until like episode 8. Then again in episode 10 and 11, with the Rin episode and the king talk.
Kalied is good fun, but that's all it is. Maybe when 3rei is adapted and we get the more serious side of it i'll be able to say that it is more than that but as an anime right now, I can't.
Prototype has potential, but it's a trailer and nothing more. If they ever do a full adaptation then we can mention it.
Deen lol.
Aug 4, 2015 9:07 PM

Mar 2015
I chose UBW because I actually had a better time enjoying it than zero, even though I know zero was better adapted or whatever
Aug 4, 2015 9:09 PM

Feb 2015
Forgetfulness said:
Insertanamehere said:

That's kind of what it is.
idk man, Fai got all up in my shit because I said the comedy in 2wei wasn't that funny.

Few days ago,I also thought Prilya was canon so..
Aug 4, 2015 9:09 PM

May 2014
In name: Fate/Kaleid Otherwise it's Carnival Phantasm
Aug 4, 2015 9:11 PM

Mar 2015
laidellent said:
Forgetfulness said:
idk man, Fai got all up in my shit because I said the comedy in 2wei wasn't that funny.

Few days ago,I also thought Prilya was canon so..

It isn't?

I mean with the multiverse thing and all...
Aug 4, 2015 9:11 PM

May 2012
laidellent said:
Forgetfulness said:
idk man, Fai got all up in my shit because I said the comedy in 2wei wasn't that funny.

Few days ago,I also thought Prilya was canon so..

Isn't it? I thought it was, it's just not part of the original timeline.

Forgetfulness said:
idk man, Fai got all up in my shit just cause I said the comedy in 2wei wasn't that funny.
Doesn't surprise me, I mean anything Silverlink touches turns to gold according to him. He blames Chaos Dragons low rating on a certain youtube reviewer.
Aug 4, 2015 9:12 PM

Feb 2015
MightyM16 said:
laidellent said:

Few days ago,I also thought Prilya was canon so..

It isn't?

I mean with the multiverse thing and all...

Go to Beast Lair and post this will rustle a lot of jimmies
Aug 4, 2015 9:14 PM

Mar 2015
laidellent said:
MightyM16 said:

It isn't?

I mean with the multiverse thing and all...

Go to Beast Lair and post this will rustle a lot of jimmies

I could care less about BL elitists
why it isn't considered canon now though?
Aug 4, 2015 9:15 PM

May 2012
laidellent said:

Go to Beast Lair and post this will rustle a lot of jimmies

Damn I still haven't joined BL, I don't even know who is who there. Anyway from what i've seen in beast lair, some people accept it others don't just like with about every other spinoff in typemoon that isn't one of the main 4.
Aug 4, 2015 9:17 PM

Feb 2015
idk..maybe the starting divergence from the original timeline?It sort of requires Zeltrech to take more of an active role...oh yeah some of those things that happens here are kinda over the top so some believe it violates the Nasuverse laws.

Stev(Insert) or Noc might give you a better answer.

KamiCity said:
laidellent said:

Go to Beast Lair and post this will rustle a lot of jimmies

Damn I still haven't joined BL, I don't even know who is who there. Anyway from what i've seen in beast lair, some people accept it others don't just like with about every other spinoff in typemoon that isn't one of the main 4.

well some of us are over just need to look for them
laidellentAug 4, 2015 9:21 PM
Aug 4, 2015 9:19 PM

May 2014
Kalied follows the rules to an acceptable point, everything else is done for comedy or the very occasional rule of cool. I have no trouble accepting it as a possible parallel continuity.

It isn't even finished yet and I still enjoyed reading 3rei as much if not more than Fate, UBW and Strange fake anyway.
Aug 4, 2015 9:25 PM

May 2012
laidellent said:
idk..maybe the starting divergence from the original timeline?It sort of requires Zeltrech to take more of an active role...oh yeah some of those things that happens here are kinda over the top so some believe it violates the Nasuverse laws.

Stev(Insert) or Noc might give you a better answer.

The only one I can think of that violates nasuverse is
Aug 4, 2015 9:28 PM

Feb 2015
KamiCity said:
laidellent said:
idk..maybe the starting divergence from the original timeline?It sort of requires Zeltrech to take more of an active role...oh yeah some of those things that happens here are kinda over the top so some believe it violates the Nasuverse laws.

Stev(Insert) or Noc might give you a better answer.

The only one I can think of that violates nasuverse is

naah thats justifiable..the problem was mana which the said character has in abundance

Aug 4, 2015 9:31 PM

Mar 2015
laidellent said:
KamiCity said:

The only one I can think of that violates nasuverse is

naah thats justifiable..the problem was mana which the said character has in abundance

Ahh...I can kinda understand their POV
Aug 4, 2015 9:58 PM

Sep 2014
KamiCity said:
laidellent said:
idk..maybe the starting divergence from the original timeline?It sort of requires Zeltrech to take more of an active role...oh yeah some of those things that happens here are kinda over the top so some believe it violates the Nasuverse laws.

Stev(Insert) or Noc might give you a better answer.

The only one I can think of that violates nasuverse is
he can't technically do it
Aug 4, 2015 10:04 PM

Sep 2014
pretty sure prisma illiya is cannon.....wasnt the only things not cannon were like unlimited codes, DDD, and Cannon? oh and capsule servant and Koha Ace a couple others i may be forgetting
Aug 4, 2015 10:10 PM

Aug 2010
Prillya's servants are not only weaker than their original counterparts, they also fight purely on instincts. No tactics or strategy, no ability to analyze surroundings and no ability to identify tricks or traps whatsoever. Bazzet being able to take them is 100% plausible.

Illya can project Excalibur because she's literally the Holy Grail. She has the so called "mana that no mage can deplete in a lifetime". Or at least the majority of it (Berserker and Assassin weren't defeated yet iirc).

So yeah, nothing stops Prillya from being canon.
astroprogsAug 4, 2015 10:16 PM
Aug 4, 2015 10:40 PM

Aug 2014
Forgetfulness said:
Idk man, Fai got all up in my shit just cause I said the comedy in 2wei wasn't that funny.

Well being funny or not doesn't have much to do with the fact because it is actually fanservice.
MightyM16 said:

It isn't?
I mean with the multiverse thing and all...

No. For just a few examples off the top of my head for why not;

astroprogs said:

Illya can project Excalibur because she's literally the Holy Grail. She has the so called "mana that no mage can deplete in a lifetime". Or at least the majority of it (Berserker and Assassin weren't defeated yet iirc).

Actually wrong since no way she could project a Noble Phantasm regardless of her being the Grail vessel, it's just that all NPs in Prillya are all ranked down by 2 ranks.
Aug 4, 2015 10:50 PM

Mar 2013
This poll needs a Carnival Phantasm option.

But I voted Zero. F/KL isn't a legitimate contender simply because it hasn't yet gotten to the part in the manga where the story really gets together and is able to stand on it's own, as opposed to being a tagalong element for the comedy, SoL and fanservice that people are actually watching that shit for.
Aug 4, 2015 10:54 PM

Aug 2010
Insertanamehere said:
Actually wrong since no way she could project a Noble Phantasm regardless of her being the Grail vessel, it's just that all NPs in Prillya are all ranked down by 2 ranks.

Really? Where was that mentioned?
Aug 4, 2015 10:54 PM

Aug 2014
astroprogs said:
Insertanamehere said:
Actually wrong since no way she could project a Noble Phantasm regardless of her being the Grail vessel, it's just that all NPs in Prillya are all ranked down by 2 ranks.

Really? Where was that mentioned?

TM Ace, volume 8 or 9, don't recall, I think.
Aug 4, 2015 10:56 PM

Aug 2014
KamiCity said:

Prototype has potential, but it's a trailer and nothing more. If they ever do a full adaptation then we can mention it.

Full adaptation of what?
Aug 4, 2015 10:59 PM

Aug 2010
Insertanamehere said:
astroprogs said:

Really? Where was that mentioned?

TM Ace, volume 8 or 9, don't recall, I think.

Ah, I see. Thanks.
Aug 4, 2015 11:31 PM

Jul 2013
I enjoyed ufo UBW more than Zero. So ufo UBW
Aug 5, 2015 1:35 AM

Jul 2007
Prillya has to be the best fate anime in existence. Most accurate adaptation too. The only fate adaptation worth watching. The only fate adaptation with good fighting too.
Second place goes to Zero. Its a side material adaptation but still well done.

Everything else fucking does not exist.
Aug 5, 2015 1:37 AM

Mar 2013
Fai don't be h8in on Carnival Phantasm

dat shit dank as fuck
Aug 5, 2015 1:38 AM

Dec 2013
Definitely Fate Zero
Aug 5, 2015 2:19 AM

May 2012
CookingPriest said:
Prillya has to be the best fate anime in existence. Most accurate adaptation too. The only fate adaptation worth watching. The only fate adaptation with good fighting too.
Second place goes to Zero. Its a side material adaptation but still well done.

Everything else fucking does not exist.
If only it was so easy to erase things from existence that we didn't like.

Insertanamehere said:
KamiCity said:

Prototype has potential, but it's a trailer and nothing more. If they ever do a full adaptation then we can mention it.

Full adaptation of what?

I remember reading that there was an original unreleased version of FSN before the visual novel. Sure it's not technically an adaptation, but I didn't know what else to call it.... then again i'm not sure if there ever was or wasn't an actual written version.
Aug 5, 2015 2:22 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
In all seriousness I'm getting a bit fed up with everyone always claiming Zero is more "mature" for whatever reason. Like what, because it has adults instead of high-schoolers? Because it doesn't have romance or slice of life segments? How are any of those even remotely related to maturity, seriously...

Not that maturity has any correlation to quality anyway
Aug 5, 2015 2:33 AM

Feb 2015
Well you can't really fight against the general A/O consensus..atleast thats the idea I get while interacting with them.
Aug 5, 2015 3:32 AM

Aug 2014
astroprogs said:
Insertanamehere said:

TM Ace, volume 8 or 9, don't recall, I think.

Ah, I see. Thanks.

Thinking about it it may have been Hiroyamas twitter.
Aug 5, 2015 4:04 AM

Jul 2007
HaXXspetten said:
In all seriousness I'm getting a bit fed up with everyone always claiming Zero is more "mature" for whatever reason. Like what, because it has adults instead of high-schoolers? Because it doesn't have romance or slice of life segments? How are any of those even remotely related to maturity, seriously...

Not that maturity has any correlation to quality anyway

It has to do with presentation.
if we are to talk about source material, then FSN IS more mature since it deals with more complex subjects and explores characters psychology and gray morality a lot more, while Zero just frames a kind of a thriller/drama with pre-set parameters and beliefs and is less focused on characters.

If we are to talk about ADAPTATIONS, then yeah, Zero's adaptation has more dignity and is A LOT more mature - it has nothing to do with character age or there being romance. It is how it is handled, it is how the director and writers chose to present characters, action and the overall philosophical subject.

Insertanamehere said:
astroprogs said:

Ah, I see. Thanks.

Thinking about it it may have been Hiroyamas twitter.

Wasn't that about servant stats and their NP's?
Aug 5, 2015 12:06 PM

May 2012
CookingPriest said:

It has to do with presentation.
if we are to talk about source material, then FSN IS more mature since it deals with more complex subjects and explores characters psychology and gray morality a lot more, while Zero just frames a kind of a thriller/drama with pre-set parameters and beliefs and is less focused on characters.

If we are to talk about ADAPTATIONS, then yeah, Zero's adaptation has more dignity and is A LOT more mature - it has nothing to do with character age or there being romance. It is how it is handled, it is how the director and writers chose to present characters, action and the overall philosophical subject.

Except that that the source and the adaptation cover the same things.
What exactly makes Zero more mature, aside from the fact that they are "grownups". Even the UBW doesn't come off as immature aside from the fact that they are teenagers.
It's easy to say BS like "more dignity" and "a lot more mature" and not back up your statements.
Aug 5, 2015 12:57 PM

Oct 2014
"mature" fiction, as far as I understand it, refers to the audience needing "maturity" to comprehend the underlying themes of the the work of fiction.

Some people like to equate it with "rated mature" or even use it as a synonym of either "dark" or "edgy".

Here on MAL it seems to have transformed into quite a "forbidden word" though, because it's often used as a buzzword.

Going by how I interpreted the word "mature" in this case (see above) F/Z has a very similar (or perhaps even same!) "level of maturity" as F/UBW (ufo). Which one of them is "a tad bit more mature" is not relevant since the difference would be minimal either way and at most serve as a tool for someone to inflate their ego about "prefering the show that is more mature by 0,00000000001%!"
Grey-ZoneAug 5, 2015 1:02 PM
Aug 5, 2015 1:19 PM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Even if you would assume Zero was supposedly more "mature", so what?

That's like saying a Seinen anime is better than a Shounen anime just because it's aimed at a more adult demographic. Makes no sense whatseoever
Aug 5, 2015 2:40 PM

Jul 2015
36 why exactly is Carnival Phantasm not an option?
From the available choices, I guess Fate/Zero for now. Fate/kaleid probably will take the crown when it gets to the final stretch of 2wei/beginning of 3rei, though.
Aug 5, 2015 7:11 PM

Dec 2012
Obviously Fate/Zero. Although that ensemble cast and story helped A LOT in making that a successful adaptation.

UfoUBW is second. It wasn't a perfect adaptation - there's a bunch of small things I wish they would have done in cour 1 and cour 2. But it was a fun ride and a worthy adaptation of the VN story.
Aug 5, 2015 8:52 PM

Nov 2012
HaXXspetten said:
In all seriousness I'm getting a bit fed up with everyone always claiming Zero is more "mature" for whatever reason. Like what, because it has adults instead of high-schoolers? Because it doesn't have romance or slice of life segments? How are any of those even remotely related to maturity, seriously...

Not that maturity has any correlation to quality anyway

I'm willing to accept that Fate/Zero's narrative is more mature overall than all other Fate adaptations thus far. My contention however is in the idea that maturity alone can carry a narrative. Truthfully, I think F/Z is actually a good demonstration of the opposite. It has a very maturely-written narrative in the sense that it treats all of its characters with a reasonable level of respect, rarely if ever relies on fanservice or gimmicky plot twists to carry the story, and explores its themes with more depth than most series of its caliber, yet regardless it is overwhelmingly dull and mostly flat in execution, with a painfully slow opening act, overly verbose and long-winded dialogue, and anti-climactic finale. Maturity is nice to have but ultimately if the characters just stand around and wax philosophical the majority of the time, that's still not a very interesting narrative. You don't score points just because you know how to write sophisticated dialogue. If that dialogue still doesn't connect with the plot in interesting and meaningful ways, it's just an exercise in intellectual masturbation.
kingcity20 said:
Oh for the love of
-_- nvm gotta love MAL
Aug 6, 2015 3:19 AM

Jul 2007
HaXXspetten said:
Even if you would assume Zero was supposedly more "mature", so what?

That's like saying a Seinen anime is better than a Shounen anime just because it's aimed at a more adult demographic. Makes no sense whatseoever

In most of cases Shounen demo targeted things focus on shallower content and are typical "coming of age" stories. Seinen sometimes goes overboard with trying to be edgy tho, it depends on writer.

What ABSOLUTELY does not work is taking something that is not meant to be limited to shonen demo and TURNING it into shonen like ufoubw did with fsn.
Zero adaptation stayed true to characters, tone and viewership mindset expectations to the light novel.
UfoUBW did not and treated its viewerbase as 12 year old kids wanting to see shit blow up and girls(giiiiiirls, insert sexist tone here)their upskirts.
Aug 6, 2015 3:27 AM
Oct 2014
Didn't include CP because its type moon not just fate/.

CookingPriest said:
Prillya has to be the best fate anime in existence. Most accurate adaptation too. The only fate adaptation worth watching. The only fate adaptation with good fighting too.
Second place goes to Zero. Its a side material adaptation but still well done.

Everything else fucking does not exist.

How is prillya the only one worth watching if zero is second place lol
And zero has better fighting tbh but ive only seen the first season with the alter fight was the only really good one but it was pretty cool
Though how is it side materials if its part of the main story and prisma isnt side materials when its not part?
Aug 6, 2015 4:19 AM

Jun 2014
Fate/Zero by miles as an adaptation. Great direction with great script writing with great cinematography. Loyal to source material

Haven't watched Fate/Kaleid but is is canon??

ufoUBW is good as an anime but not so good as an adaptation.
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